Tuesday, February 2, 2010

So Close Yet So Far

Its been a while since he said hi. she have missed all of the 'heyy, how are u doing today', the 'ohh, what a cool picture'. the truth is, she have no right to feel this way. i mean, face it. it was just text messages, which probably doesnt even mean anything. and plus, she even barely knew him. the problem is, he came by, knocked her heart, and she let it open, which was apparently a big mistake! next time, just ring the bell will ya! aha.

the thing is, he was just trying to make friend, and she made a mistake and ends up liking him. and the worst part is, he probably is seeing someone else. *pang* a slap hit her right on the face. REALITY CHECK! he was never hers. so she decided to walk away. slowly.


In this stage of life, where people are searching out for the love of their life, we never realise that we sometimes forget the true love that we should search for; love towards Allah, The Most Merciful.

We stalk their facebook page everyday, waiting for their messages, spending hours talking with them, just to get to know them better. But what did I do to know Allah, The Creator? Sometimes i feel ashamed of myself, making effort in searching another person's love, while doing almost nothing to have His greatest love. Astaghfirullah.

Dimulai dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Penyayang.Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam.Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Penyayang.Yang Menguasai hari Pembalasan (hari akhirat).Hanya kepada Engkau (Ya Allah) kami beribadah dan hanya kepada Engkau kami memohon pertolongan.Bimbinglah kami ke jalan yang lurus. Iaitu jalan orang yang Engkau telah anugerahkan nikmat kepada mereka, bukan jalan orang yang dimurkai, dan bukan pula jalan orang yang sesat. -Surah AlFatihah-

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