Saturday, August 23, 2008

top 20 qualities of smart people by Michelle L.Casto

this one was given by my dad.
see if i'm one.
1)make decisions intuitively
-hmmm..i hate making decisions esp if people ask 'nak makan kat mane?'
so no 1 is out.
2)are self-aware
-i'm aware of who i am. i'm cute!
3)use active reflection
-i do reflect upon my past and learn from my experiences. checked.
4) think out-of-the-box
-i would say that i'm a creative thinker. no4, checked.
5)have an open mind
now you're talking. no 5 is absolutely ME!!
6)are responsive
-i answer to people's questions. and i listen and react when people are talking. so..i consider myself as one.
7) are resourceful
-hah. internet
8)question authority
- i dont like to know too detail about certain matters. so, i dont ask very much of the deep questions. no 8? tet!!!!
9)upgrade their brain
-i like to read. so, oklah.
10)have a sense of humor
-some people consider me as one. me myself? i'm not sure. but i do like to laugh out loud.
11) take risks
-i did took a risk when i jumped to catch a ball in the captainball finals. and then, i fell down. on the butt. kepala bergegar selepasnye.
12)trust themselves
-eg. i trust you!
13)write and list things on paper
-so NOT me! i hate lists and schedules and timetables. its not like i'll obey them after all.
14) are productive
-what is that supposed to mean??????
15)use discernment
-i sometimes can see clearly of certain reasons. but sometimes blurred jugakla.
16) read, read, read.
-i do this.
17)value learning.
yup. very.
18) teach others
- if i know how.
19)reinvent themselves
-reinvent myself? what? like going for the plastic surgery? hell no.
20)are students for life
-i dunno. im not dead yet.
out of 20, i got 14 of them. so, i'm almost a smart person. haha
but i was a SMART student. Sekolah Menengah Abdul Rahman Talib, kuantan.

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